The Thrive Approach

What does it take to develop healthy, happy, confident children who are ready and open to learning? Recent advances in neuroscience, attachment theory and child development have provided some of the answers to this question.

The Thrive Approach draws on insights from these fields to provide a powerful way of working with children and young people that supports optimal social and emotional development. In particular, the Approach equips staff to work in a targeted way with children and young people who have struggled with difficult life events to help them re-engage with life and learning.

How does it work at St John’s?

We are using the Thrive Approach in school to support the delivery of our social and emotional curriculum.  Each class will be assessed twice a year and the whole class curriculum will be enhanced to ensure every child’s social and emotional needs are best supported. Occasionally we may wish to work more closely with individual children. If we do we will contact parents to seek consent and also to engage parents in the process.

What does Thrive look like?

In school we have a special Thrive room. This is a warm and safe space where children can complete short practical activities with a Thrive trained practitioner.  The activities may range from playing games to hand painting. Children will work with a Thrive practitioner for six weeks after which time we hope they will have made good progress. After the six weeks they may no longer require additional support or they may continue to have sessions but working on different aspects of their social and emotional development.

Further reading and useful links

Our Thrive trained practitioners

Rebecca Quinn
Michelle Ratcliffe