Oak Class

Welcome to Oak Class – Reception 

A little bit about us:

We have two class teachers who will be working closely with the children on certain days. Mrs Middleton will be teaching on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Mrs Purdy will teach Wednesday through to Friday. We have Mrs Jefferson and Mrs Mackie who will be supporting the children’s learning every day throughout the week.

Where children have complex specialist SEN needs, a bespoke curriculum will be provided. This will range from providing a sensory diet, frequent movement breaks, a range of mark making opportunities, gym sessions and  music sessions. This will all be linked with the Early Years Learning Framework and carefully planned to ensure the children’s experiences are enriched.

Mrs Middleton
Class  Teacher
on Monday and Tuesday  

Mrs Purdy
Class Teacher
on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Mrs Mackie
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jefferson
Teaching Assistant

A little bit about the curriculum:

This half term we will be establishing our daily routines and encouraging small steps of independence. This could be from where we hang our bags in the cloak room to how we transition from one activity to the next by tidying up one item. We will be breaking up our day with sensory circuits to ensure that we have time to self-regulate and ease ourselves into the next section of the day.

There will be lots of opportunity to talk about healthy eating and how we prepare our snacks. For the next few weeks, we will be making toast and using different spreads to promote the use of the children’s fine motor skills and for creating a social atmosphere around food.

Through song and rhyme, the children will be exposed to the foundation stages of the Little Wandle Phonics scheme. We will be singing and joining in with the actions as well as exploring the early sounds using games that are set out within the scheme. There is a link below should you want to sing or play with your child at home. 

As a Talk For Write school, our class will be using pictures and actions to retell stories throughout the year. This half term we will be reading ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen. With lots of role play, and repetition we will embed the learning for the children. This story will be threaded through the 7 areas of the Early Years Learning Framework.

For Maths, this term, we will be counting to 5 and then to 10. We will be ordering numbers, and sorting objects in colour and size. We’ve planned for some lovely games that the children can play and further explore together. Below are some links to games, videos and books you may like to share with your child:

Curriculum Planning
