Sycamore Class

Welcome to Sycamore Class Page

Sycamore is a mixed-age class consisting of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

We embrace the opportunities a mixed-age class offer in meeting our school’s values and ethos. There are many benefits of the different ages learning together, such as providing opportunities for all children to practise and develop their collaborative skills. We see fantastic empathy and communication from older children in their caring and nurturing leadership roles, with the younger children being exposed to great role-models resulting in higher expectations, greater resilience and determination to do more and to do it better. Together they are able to learn through a curious and inquisitive curriculum, provided for through topic based play and adult directed tasks.  

We teach both the EYFS and KS1 core curriculums (links below) separately, however some aspects of our teaching will involve whole-class learning and projects worked on together.  

Mrs K Beckett – Class Teacher
Mrs Shipley – Teaching Assistant
Mrs Payne – Teaching Assistant and Forest School Lead
Miss Leadbeter – Teaching Assistant
Lisa Jefferson – Teaching Assistant
Mrs K Dominguez – Class Teacher

Google Classroom

Please access Google Classroom via this link:

Suggested ‘Good Reads’

‘Good reads’ list could include some of these books:

Owl Babies- Martin Waddell

The Gruffalo- Julia Donladson

Handa’s Surprise- Eileen Brown

Rosie’s Walk- Pat Hutchins

Six Dinner Sid- Inga Moore

Mrs Armitage on Wheels- Quentin Blake

On the Way Home- Jill Murphy

Farmer Duck- Martin Waddell

Goodnight Moon- Margaret Wise Brown

Shhh!- Sally Grindley

Rainbow Fish- Marcus Pfister