Birch Class

Welcome to Birch Class – Year 5 and 6!

Who teaches in Birch Class?

Miss Kirby
Class Teacher
Mrs Aldridge
Teaching Assistant

Google Classroom

Please access Google Classroom via this link:

What does my child need to bring to school with them?
By the end of Key Stage 2, we expect and promote children to be taking responsibility for organising themselves and becoming increasingly independent. We all promote the idea of keeping our school environment tidy and making Tunstead Primary School a great place to learn.

Birch children will take part in PE lessons on Tuesday afternoons and will need to come to school in their PE kit on this day.

What does a day in Birch look like?
During the mornings, we will focus on our foundation subjects which include maths, whole class guided reading, GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling) and writing. 
During the afternoons, we will spend time exploring our core subjects through our topic work. Our topics will engage with history, geography, art, design and technology, science and computing. For an overview of the lessons taught this term, click on the links below.

When is homework handed in?
Your child will be expected to complete certain homework tasks every week. This homework will be set at the beginning of each week and can be accessed through the Google Classroom. Homework will consist of:

  • Weekly spellings
  • Reading comments
  • A short maths task / TTRS

How can I help my child at home?
Your support is invaluable to your child’s enjoyment and success at school. We encourage children to continue to enjoy reading books at home. Please feel free to add your comments in your child’s reading record to keep track of your child’s reading at home.  All of the children will be able to take a Library book home with them.  Books can be returned every Thursday and exchanged for a new one.  We would encourage you to read every night with your child.  You could spend time focusing on one page, one word or just discussing the setting and characters.

Helping your child to learn their times tables is so important to building their confidence in maths. TTRS is a fantastic resource which all of the children have access to both in school and at home. Please see the links below for some extra sites to use at home.

We are incredibly proud of the work that the children do in their lessons in all areas of the curriculum and hope to share it with your in the future at an open mornings / parent consultations or workshops.

Mrs Potter (Teacher Birch Class)

Suggested Good Reads

Coraline – Neil Gaiman

Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom – Louis Sachar

Who let the Gods out? – Maz Evans

Hacker – Malorie Blackman

Where the World Turns Wild – Maurice Sendak

The Boy at the back of the class – Onjali Q Rauf

Private Peaceful – Michael Morpurgo

The Boy in the Tower – Polly Ho-Yen

Pig Heart Boy – Malorie Blackman

Skellig- David Almond

Google Classroom

Thinking Blocks
A useful website for practicing solving mathematical problems using bar modelling methods.

Bitesize SATs Revision
Practise for your SATs with these activities in English, Maths and Science.

Help your child with English and maths at home.

Times Tables Rockstars
Use this website to improve your times tables.

Hold pupils’ interest with engaging games whilst you identify gaps, target learning and monitor their progress in maths and spelling.

Spelling Frame 
Use this website to practise and improve your spellings.