Sports Day

We had a wonderful sports day and all the children were fantastic! Thank you for your continued support. Here are some photos of the day!

  • Bittern were the champions and finished in 1st place with 110 points
  • Swallowtail were 2nd and finished on 99 points
  • Harrier came 3rd with 91 points
  • Otter finished 4th with 88 points

Hautbois Residential

We had a wonderful time at Hautbois Activity Centre. We were blessed with glorious weather and the children had a fantastic time trying out a variety of activities and adventures. Here are some of our memories.

Sycamore Amazona Zoo Trip

Sycamore had a wonderful time on their trip to Amazona Zoo. We looked at all the different animals and saw a few that we had never seen before! We made some lovely memories as a class.

Multi Skills Festival

As Year 6 have been busy with the SATs, Year 5 have been taking part in a leadership course in PE. They have been learning different multi skills games and teaching these games and skills to Year 1. Here are some photos of the fun we have had.