Easter Bunnies

On Thursday, the whole school met Mrs Armstrong’s bunny rabbits as an Easter treat! Every student handled Victor and Adelaide with care and they enjoyed lots of carrots as treats. 

Woodland Trust Trees

The children have enjoyed learning about how important trees are for the environment. We were very pleased to receive  60 trees from the Woodland Trust. These have been planted around the school with the children’s help and we are excited to watch them grow for many years to come.

World Book Day

Birch class have been working hard and took part in a magical World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March. We explored the themes of love and magic in the Shakespeare play A Midsummer Night’s Dream using drama techniques and got to grips with Shakespearian language. We then shared stories with Sycamore Class in the woods.

Birch Class Duxford Visit

Birch Class had a wonderful visit to Duxford yesterday. We explored the different hangers and created reports about different World War 2 artifacts. Here are some photographs to remember our visit.

Roar 2021

Birch class has been taking part in a competition called Roar 2021. We have been exploring problems and trying to come up with new and exciting solutions. Here are our teams with their models.