Oak Class

Welcome to Oak Class – Reception 

A little bit about us:

We have two class teachers who will be working closely with the children on certain days. Mrs Middleton will be teaching on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Mrs Purdy will teach Wednesday through to Friday. We have Mrs Jefferson and Mrs Mackie who will be supporting the children’s learning every day throughout the week.

Where children have complex specialist SEN needs, a bespoke curriculum will be provided. This will range from providing a sensory diet, frequent movement breaks, a range of mark making opportunities, gym sessions and  music sessions. This will all be linked with the Early Years Learning Framework and carefully planned to ensure the children’s experiences are enriched.

Mrs Middleton
Class  Teacher
on Monday and Tuesday  

Mrs Purdy
Class Teacher
on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Mrs Mackie
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jefferson
Teaching Assistant

A little bit about the curriculum:

Happy New Year to you from all of us in Oak. Last term was very busy indeed, in keeping with our ‘Very Busy Spider’ theme by Eric Carle. We really got into the Christmas spirit and festivities and hope you enjoyed seeing our activities posted on tapestry as well as having some lovely keepsakes, handmade by the children.

This spring term we will be continuing with our Phonics rhyme time sessions. Here, the children will sing traditional nursey rhymes and have a key focus on initial sounds. Lots of opportunity will be given to play games and mark make, to imbed their learning.

We have noticed how linking stories with sensory experiences is of great importance to our children and so we have catered for this. We will be reading ‘The Leaf Thief’ by Alice Hemming and Nicola Slater, among other books listed below.  Each time we read a story we shall select a key sentence to explore. The stories will be relevant to the Seasons, and we will use touch, sound, taste, sight and smell to explore all things to do with Spring!

During our Maths sessions we will be working with numbers to 10, comparing numbers, number patterns and place value as well as covering part whole models to help add and subtract. This will be weaved through the seven areas of learning throughout our provision. There will lots of learning through play. We will keep you updated through Tapestry so please keep an eye out for all the wonderful activities the children will be taking part in.

Our recommended reading list for this half term:

The Leaf Thief by Alice Hemming and Nicola Slater

123, What can you see in Autumn? By Annie N

What The Ladybird Heard Julia Donaldson

Oliver’s Vegetables by Vivian French

Whatever Next by Jill Murphy

The bad seed by Jury John

Who is in my family by Robie H Harris

Curriculum Planning
