The following is a list of the accepted uniform at Tunstead Primary school…
Every day:
- Trousers /shorts grey or black
- Skirts / pinafore grey or black
- Blouses / shirts white
- Polo shirt red or white
- Sweatshirts red (with school logo)
- Socks / tights grey, black, white or red
- Jumpers / cardigans red
- Dresses (summer) red and white check
- Coat or sunhat when required
P.E. / Games:
- Indoor P.E. black shorts
- Red school T-shirt
- Plimsolls / trainers
Outdoor Games:
In addition to the PE outline above:
- Black or dark blue tracksuit bottoms
- Red school branded hooded top / plain red hooded top
- Sturdy trainers or football boots are required for games on the field.
- Girls may wear a black skirt for netball.
It would be extremely helpful if you could label all of your child’s clothes with his or her name.
You are able to buy all of your school uniform requirements such as sweatshirts/cardigans, logo embossed PE kit (vital for when we play tournaments against other schools), raincoats and book bags, as well as many other items using the link below. They will be delivered to your home address.
Thank you.
Name Tags
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